Herts Hunt branch tries to provide a round mixture of instruction, education, activities, fun & friendship.
Ridden instruction is an important part of pony club training helping riders
to improve their riding skills & give them confidence to build on, stretch their abilities & encourage them to enjoy all aspects of riding & competing.
We try & offer a wide range of excellent instructors & trainers in all the different disciplines
i.e.: flatwork, dressage, show jumping, cross country, games & polocrosse.
This gives riders a choice & an experience of the different types of training that each instructor has
to offer. Everyone can learn something new every day when working with horses & ponies.
There are also opportunities to learn more about horse & pony care at home & at competitions.
We are a friendly pony
club with lots of like minded members & parents who all enjoy horses &
ponies. There is always help at hand if any one is struggling.